
CEO Notes

By Vice Admiral Peter H. Daly, U.S. Navy (Retired)
August 2021
The Naval Institute’s open forum, conferences and events, news coverage, and professional books are here to support Coast Guard professionals in their careers.

Military Leadership Requires Good Citizenship

By Lieutenant Colonel Dillon Fishman, U.S. Marine Corps Reserve
August 2021
The military has a sacred obligation to care for the young men and women who pledge their lives in service to the nation, including preparing them to return to society.
Coast Guard

The Path to a Data-Driven Coast Guard

By Lieutenant (junior grade) Evan Twarog and Lieutenants Joseph Kidwell and Caleb James, U.S. Coast Guard
August 2021
Coast Guard Essay Contest—Second Prize, Sponsored by the U.S. Naval Institute. Integrated data-management systems will empower Coast Guardsmen to better and more efficiently do their jobs.
Coast Guard Ice Breaker

Send the Coast Guard into the Cold

By Lieutenant Commander David Zwirblis, U.S. Coast Guard
August 2021
Coast Guard Essay Contest—Third Prize, Sponsored by U.S. Naval Institute. The United States needs an Arctic Command to protect its polar interests, and a Coast Guard admiral should lead it.

American Sea Power Dialogue

August 2021
Strategic Failures Are Often Failures of Imagination Dr. Schake’s essay contains two basic propositions. The first is her argument that the U.S. and Japanese navies in the years after the ...

The Navy Gets a Software Factory

By Edward Walsh
August 2021
The Navy recently established what it calls a “software factory ecosystem”—dubbed “the Forge”—a physical site for an effort that also will be virtual, engaging numerous contractors.

Protecting Europe’s Troubled Seas

By Sebastian Bruns and Senior Captain Frank Rogatty, German Federal Police
August 2021
The German Coast Guard has a significant role to play in 21st-century maritime security operations, in the Baltic and North Seas or wherever the political will mandates.


By A. Denis Clift
August 2021
NASA safety specialist Dennis Chamberland explained the initial requirements for space exploration in these edited excerpts of his January 1989 Proceedings article, “Splashdown!”

Needed Now: Victory at Sea—the Sequel

By Commander John T. Kuehn, U.S. Navy (Retired)
August 2021
The United States has a sea power deficit. This has happened before, and sea power advocates should look to past efforts to build popular support for a larger U.S. Navy.

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.